Can You Get a Medical Marijuana Card for ADHD in North Carolina?

Around 8.7 million adults in the United States have to manage the constant distractions and symptoms of ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder). Another 6 million kids under the age of 17 also learn to adapt to the challenges of ADHD. With so many people diagnosed with the disorder, it only makes sense to explore new methodologies for treatment and management.

While there is no cure, a common question that pops up concerning this disorder is – can you get a medical marijuana card for ADHD in North Carolina. Considering how many other issues are easier to manage from cannabis, gaining access to the substance seems a perfect fit.

ADHD is one of the many qualifying conditions for medical marijuana when it relates to CBD use in North Carolina. Currently, that is the only legal pathway, but more avenues for cannabis treatment are opening up every day, and the underlying symptoms of ADHD are also considered qualifying conditions (like insomnia).

Let’s explore more about how ADHD interacts with medical marijuana and what to do if you are interested in pursuing this form of treatment.

What is ADHD?

First things first. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder. It is often characterized by a pattern of not being able to pay attention to anything or finding someone in a state of hyperactivity where impulse control gets in the way of “normal” function or development.

In most cases, you can catch the early signs of ADHD in children when they have symptoms like:

  • Difficulty maintaining attention
  • Impulsiveness
  • Hyperactivity
  • Poor time management
  • Problems with organization
  • Forgetfulness in daily activities

This is a little harder to diagnose in adults because all of us have experienced one or two of those symptoms whenever we’re tired or distracted by the challenges of life.

The challenge is the common medications for ADHD carry harmful side effects. Some of the more common medications include:

  • Ritalin
  • Methylin
  • Focalin
  • Adderall
  • Dexedrine

You never want to mix any of these ADHD medications with cannabis as studies have shown that combination can cause serious issues like excess strain on the heart. It’s hard to walk a balance between helping through medications that may cause irritability, moodiness, tics, dizziness, insomnia, and more while also trying to increase the attentiveness and focus needed to work or complete school activities.

How Does Medical Marijuana Help ADHD?

The reason people ask can you get a medical marijuana card for ADHD in North Carolina is because of the research being presented. One recent study of three males from ages 18-23 showed a measurable increase in focus and other readings due to the use of cannabis for ADHD.

The way it works is twofold.

  • First, the THC acts as a “high” on the brain. It allows you to control focus, coordination, and reaction times better.
  • Secondly, CBD acts on other parts of the brain, controlling general activity.

When used in combination, they can help create a more “relaxed” environment for the brain to regain control of everyday focus and function.

Studies have ranged from self-reporting improvements in medication side effects and symptom control to the reduction of reliance on chemical-heavy medications. While the research side of things is still in its infancy, numerous benefits have been reported by those using cannabis for ADHD. Most report benefits like:

  • Improved concentration
  • Reduced hyperactivity
  • Increased patience
  • Better sleep habits
  • Ability to complete tasks

These benefits are why so many people use CBD to answer can you get a medical marijuana card for ADHD in North Carolina. While the legal framework for medical marijuana is still being debated, the benefits of using CBD to treat ADHD are being widely enjoyed by patients across the state.

Are there Any Risks for Cannabis and ADHD?

The primary risk of using medical marijuana, whether THC, CBD, or a combination, falls into the adolescent category. There are some concerns with adults that still need more research to iron out, but with children, the worry is medical marijuana could cause issues like:

  • Slowing the cognitive development process.
  • Adding to an already “at-risk” population for depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders.
  • A general loss of IQ (although this is being hotly disputed).
  • It can lead to other attention, learning, and memory brain function problems.

At Charlotte Marijuana Doctor, we want to be very clear that we do not recommend treating anyone under the age of 18 with medical marijuana unless there is undeniable evidence it is necessary. Even microdosing for kids is against the law and not recommended by current research for children.

For all adults, medical marijuana is a safe, effective, and easy-to-use treatment program that helps alleviate the common symptoms of ADHD for a higher quality of life. It comes with low to no risk and offers an easily accessible treatment for those who wish for a more natural way to control their ADHD.

Do I Have to Smoke Marijuana for ADHD?

The good news is that North Carolina is developing the infrastructure for medical marijuana-related to ADHD treatment. The physical storefronts around the state are using low THC and high CBD products in a wide range of form factors that do not have to include smoking.


If you prefer, there are edibles like candies or cookies you can take. Tinctures that offer discrete dosages through drops. Topicals like creams and balms and even vape options for those who want the feeling of smoking without the side effects.


As ADHD is so common in our population, reputable businesses across North Carolina are stepping up to bat to ensure equal access is available for all patients. So, can you get a medical marijuana card for ADHD in North Carolina? Yes, you can!

How Do I Get a Medical Marijuana Card?

Now for the really easy part of can you get a medical marijuana card for ADHD in North Carolina. Our experienced, qualified, and professional team of healthcare providers at Charlotte Marijuana Doctor offers a streamlined process for getting your medical marijuana card.

As a state-certified team, we have helped over 25,000 satisfied medical marijuana patients and can extend that same expertise to help you better manage your ADHD. All you have to do is:

  • Request Appointment: You are welcome to call our offices at (704) 669-8401 or visit our Get Started page and book an appointment with our team.
  • Visit with Doctor: You’ll get a one-on-one visit with our qualified medical team to confirm your symptoms and diagnosis and then outline a treatment plan.
  • Get Your Card: Once complete, we will enter you into the state database for qualified access to a medical marijuana card.

This easy-to-follow process ensures you have all the access necessary for a healthier, happier life where ADHD symptoms no longer control how you move through the various activities you need to finish.

Final Thoughts

The next time you hear someone asking, “Can you get a medical marijuana card for ADHD in North Carolina?” Be sure to answer yes!

There are alternative treatments to ADHD that do not include the potentially rough side effects of Ritalin or similar chemical-heavy medications. Cannabis (both CBD and THC) offers a wealth of benefits for managing ADHD symptoms. It is a natural solution that ensures you get the treatment you need without the risk of many harmful side effects.

The best way to get started with your qualifying condition is to contact our team and pre-register for a medical marijuana card today. North Carolina is quickly changing due to the massive outpouring of support for medical cannabis. Now is the perfect time to ensure you get the access you need so ADHD becomes nothing more than a conversation starter instead of a challenging disorder.

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