First-Ever North Carolina Dispensary Set To Open On 4/20 By Cherokee Tribe
Next month, the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI) is set to open North Carolina’s first marijuana dispensary. The opening date? None other than April 20th (AKA 4/20), a date that is notorious for pulling in the highest-grossing yearly marijuana sales.
In September of last year, the tribe held a ballot to determine the legalization of adult marijuana use – the vote passed by an impressive 70 to 30 margin. Thus, the tribe formed Qualla Enterprises LLC, the business name behind the new for-profit venture.
This landmark decision to legalize marijuana, however, is applicable exclusively within the confines of tribal land per the tribe’s sovereign legal rights. Despite this geographical limitation, the dispensary is set to welcome a broad clientele, extending its services to the public without requiring tribal membership for access.

The North Carolina Dispensary’s Location
As mentioned, the dispensary will be located on the EBCI’s tribal land. In particular, though, it will be placed in an old bingo hall being repurposed for the dispensary. This hall is located near Harrah’s Cherokee Indian Resort.
This strategic placement, west of Asheville, leverages an area well-trafficked by locals and tourists, potentially maximizing accessibility and visibility for the dispensary.
Many tribal council members have expressed the benefits of the new influx of customers on their economy. Qualla Enterprises general manager Forrest Parker stated, “Think how many more people will walk through the door,” expressing that they are “prepared to handle it.”
The Potential Economic Impact of the Dispensary
While an accurate prediction of this dispensary’s revenue is impossible, some assumptions can be made based on a few available facts and figures. NC Compassionate Care Act, also called Senate Bill 3, outlines some possible economic impacts of general statewide marijuana legalization.
In the bill, it was stated that upon legalization of marijuana, there would be a potential $15.1 million in revenue. That isn’t even relying on the 10% of gross income that the state would be entitled to; it is mainly made up of the registration fees of patients. By 2028 (a mere four years), that number could jump to a whopping $44.4 million.
While it’s surmised that the state has the potential to make a massive profit, what are the expected earnings for the EBCI dispensary? According to MJBizDaily’s 2020 report, dispensaries in the United States make a yearly gross revenue of roughly $2.1 to $3 million.
Though operating costs are sometimes relatively high, dispensaries are traditionally known to make an excellent profit. Given the exclusivity of the Qualla Enterprises North Carolina dispensary, alongside the strategic opening date, the outlook appears to be quite optimistic for the establishment’s performance.
The Dispensary’s Potential Social Reception
The state of North Carolina has been notoriously stringent on marijuana use and distribution in the past. For reference, possessing more than 1.5 oz of marijuana (for personal use) is considered a felony charge and can land someone up to eight months in prison. Because of this, some may question the social repercussions of opening a dispensary in such a state.
Interestingly, in a 2023 Gallup poll, there was found to be no significant difference in public perception of federal marijuana legalization between those residing in states where it is already legal and states where it is not. There was also little differentiation between gender, race, and political party.
Due to that information, it cannot be stated whether or not the opening of this dispensary will normalize the presence of cannabis in the state. Yet, it could signify a pivotal moment in the ongoing dialogue around marijuana, challenging existing perceptions and potentially serving as a catalyst for change in state policy. As the dispensary begins operations, its impact on local attitudes toward cannabis and its influence on legislative discussions will be closely observed.

When Will North Carolina Legalize Marijuana Use?
In North Carolina, the journey toward legalizing marijuana for medical purposes has encountered a significant roadblock. A concerted legislative effort to sanction the drug’s medical application across the state has found itself at a standstill within the state House this year.
This delay starkly contrasts the momentum observed in the state Senate, where the proposal has received affirmative votes not once but twice since June 2022.
The state Senate’s repeated endorsements of the idea embody the growing national recognition of the potential benefits of medical marijuana, including pain relief and management of chronic conditions.
This legalization approval is a sentiment shared by residents of North Carolina; A 2023 poll conducted by Merideth College discovered that 73% of the state’s residents favor legalization. Meredith Poll Director David Mclennan stated, “There may be enough new members in the legislature to get the legalization of medical marijuana across the finish line in 2023.”
However, the stagnation in the state House highlights the hurdles still to be overcome, including concerns over regulation, public safety, and the broader implications of legalizing a substance that remains controversial in many regions.
Receiving A Medical Marijuana Card In North Carolina
To the dismay of many, except for this new dispensary, marijuana is widely unavailable in the state of North Carolina. Not only is it not legalized recreationally, but there are also stringent qualifications for patients to receive medical marijuana cards in the state.
As of now, the only valid pre-existing condition to receive medical marijuana in North Carolina is intractable epilepsy, a form of epilepsy that is proven to be untreatable by at least three other methods. For those whom this condition is applicable, applications for an ID are available through the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
Though other patients do not presently qualify for medical marijuana cards, legislation is rapidly changing, and, as stated earlier, there are already talks within the state senate regarding approval for medicinal cannabis. If you have a pre-existing condition that qualifies you for a medical marijuana card registration, consider getting evaluated by the qualified team at Charlotte Marijuana Doctor today.
With early screening and pre-registration, you’ll be first in line to receive the benefits of medical marijuana as soon as it becomes available. You can beat the influx of applicants and get your much-needed card ASAP.